3 Ways to Achieve Drinking 8 Glasses of Water a Day

Staying hydrated “nowadays” seems to be really hard to achieve. We are all so busy in social media… I mean, at work or school that we tend to forget to keep our bodies hydrated.

You probably only realize you’re dehydrated when your lower back starts to hurt, your pee is dark (eww), you’re having difficulty breathing, when you feel tired and cranky or when you start complaining that your skin is so dry. Well, blame it all on dehydration!

Oftentimes, it’s easier to grab a cup of coffee or a can of some sugary soft-drink than it is to grab a glass of water.

I got tired of feeling dehydrated and having to put up with all of its negative effects, so I came up with three simple tricks for myself… You may find them helpful too. They are all easy to do and require very little effort – perfect for anyone who is always busy like me.

1. Set a Phone Timer Every Hour. It will remind you that it has been an hour since you had a glass of water!

My alarm is set every hour.

2. Get a Huge Container (for work and/or for at home)- I am using a 1400 ml (48 oz) water bottle. This will help you keep track of how much water you have already had for a day. It will also challenge yourself to finish the water left in the huge container!

It has to be huge to lessen the hassle of refilling it. It should also be clear, so that you can easily see how much water you’ve already had!

3. Drink Water After Every Pee– Our body obviously loses certain amount of water everytime we pee. This is a good way to remind our self that our body needs to replenish that water by drinking another glass of water.  Aside from the alarm set, this is also a good way to reinforce your goal.

Keep doing it everyday and you will just notice how staying hydrated not only eliminates the negative effects of dehydration, but it improves your mood as well! Keep drinking water!

Works great for me! 🙂

If you don’t have a huge container yet, you can get it from here. Just click the image. 🙂

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